Douglas County is reviewing another round of permits for the Pacific Connector gas pipeline, and we need you in the room on October 3rd to tell them to deny the permit.
Can you join us on Thursday, October 3 at 6 PM at the Douglas County Courthouse in Roseburg?
In a major victory last year, impacted landowners were able to overturn this permit, which Douglas County had previously approved. Now, the company has reapplied and we need to make sure that the county denies permission for the 7.5 miles of pipeline to be built in the Coastal Zone in Douglas County.
WHEN: Thursday October 3, 6:00PM
WHERE: Room 216, Douglas County Courthouse (1036 SE Douglas Ave, Roseburg)
Get help writing your comment on October 3 before the hearing in Room 311 at the Courthouse between 4:30 and 6:00 PM.
Wear red!
Rally outside the FERC hearing for Jordan Cove LNG and the gas pipeline at Myrtle Creek High School, June 2019