Time change: The meeting was moved! Meeting at 6pm and rally at 5:30p
On Tuesday, August 27, the City of Coos Bay will be taking comments from the public on Jordan Cove LNG’s application to change the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan, and turn one of the most protected areas of estuary into an industrial dredging zone to make way for Jordan Cove LNG’s dangerous tankers. The City Council Meeting will take place at the Coos Bay City Hall at 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, OR 97420.
We all need to show up to tell the Coos Bay City Council to protect the south coast for all of us, not the private profits of a Canadian corporation. This development would threaten the fishing, crabbing, and shell fisheries that are important to the economy and community of Coos County.
The Coos Bay City Council will be reviewing the recommendation to approve the application made by the Coos Bay Planning Commission. However, on July 23, the Lane Council of Governments (the entity that was commissioned by the City of Coos Bay to review the application) presented the Planning Commission with a detailed review of the application and recommended that the planning commission DENY the application.
Please join with other local community members to tell the Coos Bay City Council why you’re concerned about the proposed fracked gas pipeline and LNG export terminal and the potential impacts to the Coos Bay Estuary and the coastal zone.
WEAR RED to show your opposition to the Jordan Cove LNG Project.
The hearing will start at 7:00pm and there will be a rally beforehand at 6:00pm, with food and materials to put together testimony. — time change!! The rally now starts at 5:30 and the meeting at
More information about the application available here:
If you’d like to help get the word out about this meeting in Coos Bay and other ways to stop Jordan Cove LNG, contact Ashley at ashley@rogueclimate.org for volunteer opportunities in Coos County or sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAMZ3JYHRjJG5GVL9zq-qEA0kLJ7fg3FkcIBzmXfp2LLLIcQ/viewform